Monday, March 31, 2008
Johnny Napalm
Easter Fun
What a Great Easter!!!! The Easter Bunny came and went at our house and of course he left candy and hid many eggs. One of which was stuffed in sock and accidently got stepped on while the boys were hunting for the eggs. Nana J and Papa J came out to color eggs with us and then we went to great Nana Needs house and hunted for more eggs and got more candy.
Thomas The Train
Bryce of course slept through the noise and the train ride. It is amazing how they can sleep through all the noise and whistle blowing of the train. Not to mention the wonderful Thomas music that was playing on the train.
Papa Johansen works out at the train station there in grapevine and that is how we knew Thomas was coming. Well of course the tickets to ride the train were full so Papa snuck the boys on the train to ride in the engine with the conductor. It was really neat. There was something surreal about it. We definitely got the special treatment that day and the boys were so happy to get to spend some time with there Nana and Papa.
In all it was a great day out withthe Family and Thomas The Tank Engine.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Tummy Time

2 Month Check-Up
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Boy's New Toys
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Greetings From Guam
Friday, March 7, 2008
Greetings From the Land of the Rising Sun
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Crazy Texas Weather
What is up with this weather? Yesterday it was a wonderful 65 degrees, and today it is snowing. April let me borrow her camera and I taped the boys playing in the snow. I remember when this was fun, but now it's toooooo cold to stay out and play. Getting old!
I asked Jamin if he would come over to paint some little dinosaurs in the corner of Brenden's room. We had just got done painting Riley's room and I think he was feeling a little left out. Jamin said sure and recruited my brother and they broke out with this masterpiece. Now I would have been more than happy with just a little corner but they went above and beyond.
This little room has many residents. There is one giant T-Rex, one huge Stegosaurus, two Pterodactyls, and many little hiding cavemen. In addition to the wonderful giants we have hills volcanoes, meteors , and trees.
They did such a good job, we are really blessed to have uncles and aunts that love our kids so much that they would come out on the weekdays and paint for them. The boys are grateful and we are too. It looks great guys and WE LOVE YOU all and THANK YOU so much.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Where's The Library Book