What a great day! I don't think that as a parent you can ask for a more beautiful Saturday. We awoke early to get ready to head the Stake Center and despite all the early morning rising it was very calm and peaceful. We gathered our selves and headed out to the church. It was a stake child record of baptism day and there were about 8 other families there. We got Riley and Tony situated and changed over into there white clothing, and waited for the talks to begin. We had to meet in the Chapel because there were so many of us. Riley looked to be a little nervous, he stood up at the front of the pulpit with his tongue in his cheek, and I would have thought that Tony would have been a mess since this is his first baptism, But he was calm and oh so cool about it. We waited for our wards turn to head to the font. I couldn't help but to be emotional. This is my first born taking on such a great responsibility, even though Riley may not see it that way just yet. Riley was willing in every way. It was so sweet to see a father baptizing his son. The spirit was felt so greatly that day, I know that this is where I want my family to be forever. If there were any other reason to have a testimony of this gospel it would be for this. The gospel has strengthen my family in so many ways. Some are obvious such as Riley being baptised and there are others that come in some of the smallest packages. That only when you take a moment to reflect on the happiness that you have, do you see that it is the church working and growing with your family. I love the church and the strength that it has given me when I was out on the limb, and the simple fact that no matter how far you push it away, it is always there for you, It is a constant. I know in my heart that my family is stronger because of it.