Friday, May 15, 2009


Over the last month we have watched two sparrows set up a nest right outside our kitchen window. It took these poor birds about two weeks to make there nest. And then they sat in it for about a week and out of this came five little baby birds.

These birds are so much fun to watch. I most definitely wouldn't want to be a bird, after watching them all day I have decided that my children are easy and not too demanding. The baby birds will leave the nest in a couple of weeks,it makes me sad to think that these birds will never meet again. That there families are only together for such a short time. We are all excited to see our baby birds grow up and fly away. But hey we have to nurture our children for 18 years and for some longer......So maybe....No just kidding...I could keep my kids FOREVER.....

1 comment:

April Austin said...

That is no life at all! They get neglected all day while they're crammed into this TEENY space with four other little birdies waiting for their so called mother to come and throw up so they can eat. Then they're supposed to just decide to fly one day and no one will notice or even care that they're gone. How depressing.