Thursday, December 18, 2008


Why do siblings Fight? I remember not being so nice to my brothers and sister when I was growing up but I do remember loving them. So Why do Siblings fight?

We went to a Christmas party at the Base this weekend which was fun, there were bounce houses every where. Free food and goodies, face painting, free toys, and good company. Of Course the entertainment were the Johansen boys. Every time we turned around some one was screaming at the other. Or some how a folded arm would hit the other in the head. All of Tony's friends get a kick out of them of course but at times it can be really embarrassing. Santa flew in on a KC-130 and you would think that while standing in line to meet Santa Clause of all people that they would be on there best behavior.

Needless to say we left before they could sit on Santa's lap. We told them there was plenty of time to see Santa but today was not the best day because they were on there worst behavior. Unreal Santa can't even set them straight.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what you're doing wrong, my children don't fight with one another!

Oh wait that's right, I only have one child! LOL!

I can't imagine having to deal with sibling squabbles. It's bad enough when Peyton and Nathan (Peyton's BF) are fighting, but they don't live together, Nikki and I can easily separate them by leaving each others company.

I do remember fighting with my brother and sisters. Mainly Jonathan cause we were closer in age. And it never stopped til I moved out. So there's a little nugget of JOY for ya!

Love Ya!

April Austin said...

It's inevitable. They are boys and they are only two years apart. Don't worry...eventually the public squabbles will end and they will just try to push eachother down the stairs! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah we got the Wii. It came with Wii Sports. And bought Mario Kart and Nerf N-Strike with the Nerf Guns. That's pretty fun too. It's not too often we let the kids shoot guns at the tv. Peyton always like those types of video games at arcades so we picked that one. How was ya'll christmas?